Our 2020 Conference was a unique gathering, we saw this year’s theme ‘Unstoppable Mission Designed for Royalty‘ from the book of Acts 16: 11-14 play out in our presence. Every force from the pit of hell was unleashed to stop us but our King of Kings came through with His word. We are indeed witnesses to his faithfulness.
He faithfully led and guided us throughout the conference. Our panelists interacted with the audience and gave us insight about the health of the Queen and what we can do with our hands just like Lydia- Our Purple Lady. Our Young Queens also brought it home discussing how to steer the challenges that they encounter as young queens striving to live a godly life in this generation.
We were equipped on how to face peculiar challenges that strive to stop us from reaching our highest potential, such as medical, financial, marital or legal. Our legal professionals shared with us how to handle legal challenges. They addressed and answered most of the burning legal issues that confront our communities .
Our young Queens discovered how to live a Godly life for the King of kings and to excel in their chosen endeavors without compromising their kingdom standard. Through the vision board ministration, they envisioned and spoke into their future as they embarked on this unstoppable mission.
Our Guest Speaker, Pastor Chioma Chimere, crowned the grand finale with a message titled ‘Queens Army for the King’ which spoke to the Queens about the need to be battle ready by being equipped with the word to reach the world for Jesus.
The King of Kings exceeded our expectations during this event. Remember that the presence of the King of Kings will be with you even after this Conference and so you are not alone on this mission, together we will reach and impact our fellow Queens, reaching one Queen at a time. Mark your calendars’ and save the date for our 2021 Gathering which is scheduled for March 19-20, 2021. Shalom!